About Us
MC2patterns is a Pattern-Making Business for sewn products.
We create and provide patterns which can be easily downloaded and printed on various printers.
We are here to inspire practical creativity, to encourage people with any skill-level to make unique and to-be-proud-of things.
The essence of MC2patterns project – SEW SMART
(be SMART – Start Making A Real Thing)
MC2patterns Competitive Advantages:
- Constructively verified minimalism of sewing patterns.
- Optimal layout of pattern pieces for printing – to minimise paper sheets needed & joints within each pattern piece.
- Assembling is no different from putting together kid's jigsaw.
- Smart minimalistic concept in sewing approach.
MC2 Team

Marina – Business Founder, Pattern Maker, and Garment Technologist
In addition to being our business strategist, Marina is our pattern maker and technologist. She has a lifetime experience in the sewing industry with international companies based in:
a) England – Dewhirst for Marks & Spencer
b) Denmark – Brandtex
c) Russia – Altay Fashion House, Saint Petersburg Fashion House
Graduated from Russian University of Textile and Garment Manufacturing / Moscow.

Eugenia – Fashion and Graphics Designer, Photographer, Promoter
Eugenia brings her vision of fashion and artistic flair. The whole concept of MC2patterns design at mc2patterns.com has been created by Eugenia.
Her degrees have been acquired in Russia:
a) Art School / St Petersburg
b) Art School / Siberia
c) A.Galperin Photofaculty / St. Petersburg

Dmitry – IT Support
Dmitry is an IT specialist, with many years of experience in programming, software design, and website creation.
Educated at St.Petersburg State University for system programming and certified by Microsoft regarding Windows operating system essentials and by Project Management Institute regarding software project appraisal and management.
He is our IT BRAIN and daily support behind ALL our ideas.